Peterborough Police Service Launch Pedestrian Safety Campaign

The Peterborough Police Service has launched a pedestrian safety campaign that encourages everyone to walk safe, announced on Wednesday.

Photo courtesy of the Peterborough Police Service.

This campaign is in partnership with Peterborough Public Health, the City of Peterborough and Peterborough County/  

Whether travelling on a city street or using a rural roadway, the safety of all road users should be front and center. Peterborough Police over the coming weeks will release essential safety tip.

From families on their morning trip to school to someone walking to the bus stop to get to work or even the short trip one may make from the parking garage to a shop, each of us makes many walk or roll trips each day.

In 2024, there were 44 pedestrian-involved collisions in the Peterborough Police Service policing areas (City of Peterborough, Village of Lakefield, Township of Cavan-Monaghan), with 39 of them (89 per cent) resulting in injury. In local OPP-patrolled areas, there was one pedestrian-involved collision that resulted in one death and one person injured. 

The Peterborough Police’s goal of releasing these safety tips is to reduce the risk to those walking, running, or rolling on city and rural roads, as well as minimize their exposure to hazards.   

There are tried and true Pedestrian Safety Tips that help everyone to #walksafe: 

1. Be Visible  

  • Wear Bright or Reflective Clothing: Choose clothing in bright colors (such as neon or white) or wear reflective gear, especially if walking during low-light conditions (dawn, dusk, or night) or inclement weather conditions.  

  • Carry a Flashlight or Headlamp: If walking in the dark, use a flashlight or headlamp to help you see and be seen by drivers.  

  • Use Reflective Accessories: Consider adding reflective tape or vests to your clothing or gear, making you more visible from a distance.  

2. Walk Facing Traffic  

  • Face Oncoming Vehicles: On streets without sidewalks, always walk on the left side of the road facing oncoming traffic so you can see approaching vehicles and take action if necessary.  

  • Stay Alert: Minimize distractions by only having one headphone in and low volume. If you need to text, stop, text and then continue walking when you are done. 

3. Stay on the Shoulder  

  • Use the Shoulder: Walk on the shoulder of the road, as far away from moving vehicles as possible.  

  • Give Passing Vehicles Space: When cars or trucks pass by, stay as far off the roadway as possible to give them plenty of space.  

4. Choose Safe Walking Routes  

  • Select the Safest Routes: Choose roads with the least amount of traffic or where traffic moves slower. If high-speed roads are your only option, please choose to be extra cautious. Consider roads that have wider shoulders or clearer visibility for drivers. Be alert at curves or areas with limited sight lines.  

5. Cross Safely  

  • Use Marked Crossings When Available:  If no designated crossings are present, choose the safest location to cross with good visibility for both pedestrians and drivers.  

  • Look Both Ways Before Crossing: Always check for oncoming traffic in both directions, even if the road seems clear. Don’t assume vehicles will stop for you.  

  • Don’t Rush the Hand: Give yourself plenty of time to cross at intersections and designated crosswalks.  

6. Be Mindful of Weather Conditions  

  • Adapt to Weather Changes: In poor weather (rain, fog, snow), visibility is reduced. Wear more reflective gear, and if conditions are severe, consider postponing walking if you can.  

  • Stay Alert: Be aware of how conditions may impact vehicles. Poor weather may impact vehicles’ ability to stop or steer. Walk with extra caution, particularly when there is no sidewalk or crossing the street.  

7. Carry Identification  

  • Carry ID and Emergency Info: Always carry identification and a phone with emergency contacts, especially if walking in more remote areas where help may not be readily available.  

8. Limit/Avoid Walking at Night  

  • Utilize Well-Lit Roads: When possible, stick to roads and sidewalks that are well-lit during night or times or low light. 

  • Limit Nighttime Walking: If possible, avoid walking after dark, especially on rural roads as visibility is low, and drivers may not expect pedestrians. If walking is unavoidable, ensure you have sufficient lighting and reflective gear. 

9. Be Cautious Around Large Vehicles 

  • Watch Out for Large Vehicles: Rural roads and areas near construction zones are often utilized by large trucks, farm equipment, and other heavy vehicles. Be extra cautious, as these vehicles require more space and have longer stopping distances.  

  • Give Farm Vehicles Extra Space: Always give farm equipment plenty of room, especially when it’s traveling at slow speeds or taking up the whole road.  

Motorists also have an active role to play in pedestrian safety. Motorists are reminded to: 

Be Alert for Pedestrians 

  • In the dark or inclement weather, pedestrians may be less visible. Be alert and aware of other road users.  

  • Remember to check for pedestrians crossing at intersections. Do a double check when making turns, as a pedestrian may arrive while you’ve been looking for a gap in traffic. 

  • If a crossing guard is present, follow their instructions. Be patient and remember that stop means stop.  It’s important that cars remain stopped at crosswalks until everyone is back on the sidewalk.  

Be Aware of the Posted Speed Limit 

  • Slow down and give space to pedestrians on roadways  

  • Speed limits in many City and County school areas are reduced, be mindful of students walking or rolling to and from school 

  • Community Safety Zones are established to provide awareness of higher concentrations of vulnerable road users, speeding fines can be doubled in these areas. 

 Be Mindful of Weather Conditions  

  • Adapt to Weather Changes: In poor weather (rain, fog, snow), visibility is reduced, and road conditions may be impacted. Leave yourself extra space and extra time to travel. 

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