Jackson Creek Environmental Remediation Update

The City of Peterborough announced that conditions have greatly improved on Jackson Creek at the outlet to Little Lake after environmental remediation work to contain and cleanup an oil sheen discovered on March 16.

file photo.

Monitoring March 18 through to the 20 reflected that the remediation efforts have been successful in containing and removing contamination.  

The source of the contamination has not been determined, but investigation and remediation efforts continue. There is historical contamination in the area. 

The City is working with the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks to investigate and to consider additional intermediate and longer-term measures. 

When the oil sheen was discovered on March 16, the City immediately took action to contain and clean up the contamination. 

Last fall and earlier this winter, the City undertook environmental remediation efforts on a nearby City-owned property that was approved by the Ministry of the Environment after an oil sheen appeared on Jackson Creek at the outlet to Little Lake in August. The source of that contamination was unknown, however, the City took precautionary measures to prevent contamination from its property.  

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