Harmony for Healing Announces Second Benefit Concert ‘Wish You Were Here' For Suicide and Mental Health Awareness

Harmony for Healing has announced the return of its annual event, ‘Wish You Were Here,’ a benefit concert dedicated to mental health awareness and suicide prevention, announced at The El(P) on Wednesday morning.

(From left to right) Wade Hamblin; ReMax Hallmark Eastern Realty; Ellen Watkins CMHA HKPR CEO; Phillip Jolicoeur, Harmony for Healing Founder and Tracy Graham, CMHA HKPR Director of Programs and Services. Photo by David Tuan Bui.

The concert is part of Harmony for Healing’s goal of raising $50,000 over five years to provide critical mental health resources. It will be held on Feb. 20 at Market Hall Performing Centre and is meant to transport people back to the sounds of the 1970s.

The goal is to raise at least $10,000 to support the life-saving Assertive Outreach Suicide Prevention program.

“I've ran hundreds of events and there's always community support on some level but for Harmony for Healing last year and then again this year, the amount of people that jump on (not just the support, the cause and the initiative) have their own stories to share is really what thrives an event like this,” said Phillip Jolicouer, Harmony for Healing founder. “Businesses and supports can align themselves with mental health because we're all dealing with it so it means a lot to me more than just the financial aspect.”

Last year's sold-out concert, ‘Spirit In the Sky’ raised $13,500 on Feb. 22 at Market Hall Performing Centre.

Joilcouer says this year, he wanted to amplify his mission through a four-pillar approach.

His four pillars of impact approach are as follows:

  1. Awareness: Shedding light on mental health challenges and suicide prevention through personal stories and signs to watch for.

  2. Prevention: Empowering our community with tools to foster mental resilience, strengthen support networks, and promote access to mental health resources.

  3. Intervention: Sharing guidance on what to do when someone is in immediate crisis, including local support options and crisis hotlines.

  4. Post-Vention: Supporting survivors and those impacted by suicide through grief counselling, support groups, and outreach.

Jolicouer’s mother had unexpectedly taken her own life on Nov. 30 and the series of shows is a tribute to her memory.

“My mom loved people. She loved local music and music in general,” explained Jolicouer. “You could see her front row in any of the local venues around town so my connection to her with this was to make a local event to hire local musicians, put on a phenomenal rock concert that I could picture my mom where I could picture her up front dancing and enjoying herself and bringing a message that you're not alone. I want to spread that as loud as possible and through music.”

Registration for the event can be found online.

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