City of Peterborough Honours Passing of Former Mayor Jack Doris
/Peterborough’s former mayor and councillor Jack Doris’s memory is being honoured after his passing at the age of 91 on Sunday, announced by the City of Peterborough’s Twitter.
File Photo.
Doris spent the past 45 years on council that included 14 terms as a city councillor and two mayoral terms. In 1967, he was first elected to city council and was an alderman until 1991 when he became mayor. He worked at General Electric prior to his mayor tenure.
The former mayor received a key to the city in September 2014 during his retirement ceremony when he was 83 years old.
City Hall and the Peterborough Police Station have put their flags at half-mast to honour Doris’s life and accomplishments for the city.
Doris worked as a board member of the Peterborough Police service from 1987-97. He also was also a member of the building committee for their headquarters in the late 1960s.
City Hall had their flags at half-mast in honour of Doris on Monday. Photo by David Tuan bui.