For Mili Mezei, real estate and all of its facets are a passion. The career professional has worked in so many different areas of it that one would forgive her if she forgot a few of them!
Born and raised in Toronto, Mili grew up in a typical European home with newly emigrated parents to Canada. She attended York University where she graduated with a major in French Linguistics. A few years down the road, she became a paralegal and started working on the legal side of things at a Law Firm specializing in residential real estate.
As a paralegal, Mili had also become a Commissioner of Oaths, which was very beneficial to her down the road. A mother of two, Mili has worked with tenants, landlords, lenders, land development, franchising, facility management and property management. During this time, Mili began working on her real license. She obtained her real estate license, specializing in commercial properties (while also working with residential properties).
In 2012 she moved to Peterborough, and all of her experiences came to a head in 2013, where with the help of Peterborough Economic Development's Business Advisory Centre Mili started her lease abstracting business The Canadian Lease Abstractor as an added service to her already successful commercial sales and leasing career. With her legal and real estate background combined with big city experience, she was excited to bring this unique service to Peterborough and the Kawartha Lakes.