Local Philanthropists Leading Two Projects To Improve And Expand City of Peterborough Trail Network

Scott Wood, a local entrepreneur and owner of the Ashburnham Ale House, has initiated a project to provide lighting along the Rotary Greenway Trail between Hunter Street and Douro Street. This trail is unlit, and many people use this section at night. 

“As someone who loves to walk and cycle, I think it’s great to see so many people using the trails,” Wood says. “Lighting improves their safety and extends the time that people feel safe using the trails. I am excited to be leading this project.”

Wood and the Village (East City) BIA are kickstarting the project by contributing about half of the $50,000 cost of the project. They are hoping that others will donate to round out the project needs. Tax receipts are available for donations made to this project, which can be made online on the City of Peterborough website.  

Photo courtesy City of Peterborough

Photo courtesy City of Peterborough

In addition, Haig Kelly and Barron Cowan are funding construction of a new trail through Roper Park in Peterborough’s West End. A formal connection between Roper Drive and Firwood Drive will allow people to get from one neighbourhood to the other more easily.

The trail will also connect to Parkhill Road near the access to the TransCanada Trail, the closest trail for people living in these neighbourhoods. The trail will be paved so that it can be maintained in the winter, knowing that neighbourhood and trail connections are used year-round.

Many local trails have been built and supported by Kelly and Cowan, including the Parkway Trail, Crawford Trail, Rotary Greenway to Lakefield, BEL Rotary Bridgenorth Trail, TransCanada Trail from Lindsay to Peterborough and east to Hastings. The TransCanada Trail Foundation contributed 50% of the cost of the trail east of Peterborough. 

Construction on the new Roper Park Trail is expected to be underway soon, and the Rotary Greenway Trail lighting project will begin once the fundraising is completed.

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