Tips From Peterborough Public Health On How To Plan A COVID-19 Safe Thanksgiving
/As Thanksgiving approaches, Peterborough Public Health is providing recommendations to help residents plan a safe and healthy holiday.
“With COVID-19 still present in our community and in other provincial hotspots, we strongly recommend celebrating Thanksgiving only with those in your household, and avoid travelling outside the region,” says Dr. Rosana Salvaterra, Medical Officer of Health, in a media release. “Connecting with others of course is what this holiday is all about, so for family and friends outside your household, we encourage you to do so virtually or outdoors.”
Photo by Evan Holt, PTBOCanada
Dr. Salvaterra noted it’s helpful to know which activities are lower or moderate risk, and advises the following for a lower risk Thanksgiving:
Stay home.
Stay local.
Plan an indoor celebration with household contacts only.
If planning to visit with family and friends, keep it outdoors, stay within gathering limits and stay at least 2 metres apart. Add face coverings when moving about, but remember, they are not an excuse to get close! Physical distancing and masks must work together to be effective.
Connect with family and friends virtually.
The following activities are considered moderate risk:If your household will include any students or family members who are not usually part of your bubble, have them practice hand hygiene, wear a face covering indoors and keep at least 2 metres distance, especially while eating or drinking.
Ensure food is plated individually by someone who is symptom-free and knowledgeable in safe food handling. Do not share food and beverages buffet or family style.
Before anyone comes in your home, check to make sure they do not have any COVID-19 symptoms and have not been identified as a close contact of someone who has COVID-19.
Do not participate in social gatherings, including religious services, if you are sick, have recently travelled outside of Peterborough to an area with a high rate of transmission, are awaiting testing results, or are a close contact of someone with COVID-19.