14th Annual Seedy Sunday Takes Place March 10th At Emmanuel East United Church

On Sunday, March 10th, the 14th Annual Seedy Sunday takes place. This popular seed sale and swap is a great place to get all the knowledge, tools, and resources needed to get growing this season, and get inspired for spring!

More than 20 vendors will be selling a huge diversity of locally grown heirloom vegetable, flower and herb seeds, vermicomposting supplies, bulbs and fruit trees and bushes. Ten community groups will be displaying information about their work, and providing visitors opportunities to get involved with local food, farming, water and environmental programs. 

The Seed Exchange Area there is a great place to swap seeds with other growers, pick up some new and unique seed varieties, and chat with other seed savers. 

There will be informative workshops for this free event, including: Pruning Fruit Trees & Bushes, Growing Great Soil, Rematriation of Seeds and Saving Tree & Native Plant Seeds. 

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