Rehabilitation Work Being Done To Earth Embankment Dams At Lift Lock & Trent-Severn Waterway
/Many of you might have noticed the removal of trees and vegetation at the Earth dam at the Lift Lock.
Well the Lift Lock is one of several Earth embankment dams across the Trent-Severn Waterway that have been identified for rehabilitation or upgrades that may include repairs to washouts, removal of vegetation undermining their strength, and height increases.
Photo AT LIFT LOCK by Jay Callaghan
According to Parks Canada, this work is being done to rehabilitate and strengthen earth dams—which are vital for flood mitigation and therefore the safety of visitors, residents and property.
Indeed, the long and the short is trees were never meant to be on a hill holding back water and some breaches were discovered in the earth dam a few years ago.
Picture via Parks Canada website
During phase one of the project, trees and shrubs growing along earth dams—which threaten the dam’s long-term integrity by creating places for seepage and erosion—are removed.
The plan is to remove stumps and to re-plant beneficial plants like milkweed and tall grasses at the dam sites.
Earth Dam rehabilitation is occuring across the Trent-Severn Waterway, as can be seen in this graph below...
Picture via Parks Canada website