Peterborough Community Invited To Express Condolences To Humboldt
/Members of Peterborough and surrounding communities are invited to express their condolences for the Humboldt Broncos and all those affected by Friday’s tragic accident.
With the help of Signarama Peterborough, a book of condolences has been created to allow community members to express their thoughts to the families and friends of the Humboldt Broncos hockey team, as well as the residents of the close-knit Saskatchewan town.
Photo courtesy Peterborough Petes
The book is currently available to be signed at Peterborough City Hall until 4:30 p.m. on Friday, April 13th as part of a display that includes photos of the 15 players, coaches, and staff that lost their lives.
Then, starting Monday, April 16th, the book will be available for signing in the North Lobby at the Peterborough Memorial Centre. The display and book will be set up throughout the weekend of April 21st and 22nd when the Petes host their 2018 Development Camp at the PMC.
Photo courtesy Peterborough Petes