Government Of Canada Funds School Feasibility Study At Curve Lake First Nation
/On Friday (July 28th), the Honourable Carolyn Bennett, Minister of Indigenous and Northern Affairs, was in Curve Lake Nation near Peterborough to announce $142,000 for a school feasibility study for the Curve Lake First Nation.
Curve Lake First Nation awarded the contract to conduct the school feasibility study to First Nations Engineering Services Ltd., and the study is anticipated to be completed by July 2018.
Minister Carolyn Bennett with the youngest member of the CLFN youth council :) Winter Maddison Rose-Jacobs & her mom Nathalie Jacobs
This study will identify the best approach to support the highest quality learning environment for the community’s youth.
Government representatives meeting with Curve Lake staff and members of youth council
The Government of Canada is investing $969.4 million over five years in First Nation education infrastructure, for the construction, repair and maintenance of First Nations school facilities, like those in Curve Lake First Nation.
Local CLFN participants in the recent North American Indigenous Games
"We are pleased with the support from the Government of Canada, which will allow us to continue to deliver high quality education for our children," says Curve Lake First Nation Chief Phyllis Williams. "This support will advance our obligation to provide programming that is culturally viable and vital for the success of our youth, our future."
Left to right: Chief Phyllis Williams, Minister Carolyn Bennett, MP Maryam Monsef, and Members of Curve Lake Council and staff.