Online Tributes Pour In For Jan Schoute Whose Life Was Celebrated At Black Horse Pub

[UPDATE: There will be a Celebration of Life for Jan on Sunday, November 12th at the Historic Red Dog. Details here.]



Musical friends gathered at the Black Horse Pub on Monday night (November 6th) in an impromptu wake for the well known local musician Jan Schoute who passed away suddenly.

Terry Guiel, who was in the band Jericho's Wall with Schoute for two decades, posted this photo of the tribute at the Black Horse...

"Jan was a dear friend," Guiel tells PTBOCanada. "When you spend 20+ years with someone every Saturday night performing with our band, you develop a unique bond. He made everyone around him feel loved and that you mattered. A great loss to the local musical world, and a great friend lost by an entire community."

Terry Guiel and Jan

Online tributes are pouring in for Schoute, known for his big heart and his passion for music, people and community. Melissa Payne posted this picture below to Facebook, along with a heartfelt message to remind us of his compassion...

The Historic Red Dog, where Schoute played for many years on Saturday nights, had this to say in a tweet...

His good friend Terry Guiel had this to say...

"The world is a little less cool without Jan Schoute," wrote his friend John Eaton in a Facebook post. "I will always cherish the music and wisdom my dear friend brought into my life. Good-bye bro."

"I am heartbroken. Love you to the moon and beyond Jan Schoute," wrote musician Kate Suhr in a Facebook post.

Share your memories of Schoute here on our Facebook page.

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