Portion Of Rotary Greenway Trail Now Has Lighting

Thanks to a generous grant received from the Community Foundation of Greater Peterborough, the Rotary Greenway Trail Link between Water Street and the main Rotary Greenway Trail now has lighting.

The lighting system uses energy efficient LED lamps that focus the light downward and along the trail and meets dark sky standards. The lighting system only uses the equivalent of 5 ½ 100 w bulbs, which is an impressively low amount of energy. The project donor placed environmental sustainability as a high priority, which is also why the lighting system was installed with direct mount poles to minimize impact to existing vegetation and trees.

Students from both TASSS and Trent University will benefit from the trail lighting—particularly those involved in extracurricular activities or evening lectures who use the trail outside of the eight solid hours of daylight during the darker months of the year.

As well, the lighting will open this part of the trail for more use by residents of the Whitaker Mills Condominiums and the Waverley Heights subdivision, who use the trail to get to and downtown and other parts of the City.

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