About 3,000 People Used Peterborough Transit's Free New Year's Eve Service
/The City of Peterborough has announced that the 2nd Annual free New Year's Eve Transit service carried approximately 3,000 riders between 7:20 p.m. and 3:20 a.m. All 12 regular routes were in service and saw good usage throughout the evening with an average of about 375 passengers using the system per hour.
The City of Peterborough is pleased that so many residents chose to drink responsibly and take advantage of free transit service on New Year’s Eve. The ridership this year was about the same as what was carried last year.
Councillor Don Vassiliadis on New Year's Eve
Councillor Don Vassiliadis, who represents Monaghan Ward and is the Chair of Transportation, is happy with the numbers:
"Once again, the ridership numbers are indicative of the need for this service in Peterborough. Free New Year’s Eve bus service was a big success, giving rides to both young and young at heart. It was a chance for those who had not used Peterborough bus service in many years to get back on the bus. I am looking forward to offering free New Year's Eve busing again in 2017 and having even more people take advantage of this wonderful service."
The estimated cost for the evening of service was $15,000, which included the staff costs for the drivers and dispatch staff, as well as the costs for police at the downtown terminal and on-bus security. Funding for this service was made possible again this year through the generous sponsorship from Wolfe Personal Injury Lawyers, who also funded the first service in 2015/2016.
Councillor Don Vassiliadis on New Year's Eve