Downtown Shoppers In Peterborough Donate $10,278.85 To Kawartha Food Share

The generous shoppers of downtown Peterborough gave $10,278.85 to support Kawartha Food Share during the 2016 Holiday Season.
The City of Peterborough’s parking division and the Downtown Business Improvement Area have partnered since 2003 to provide two hours free parking downtown through the holiday season. The initiative starts on Black Friday and runs through to the end of December. During this time, all money put in the parking meters is donated to charity.

(L to R): Parking Operations Supervisor Dennis VanAmerongen, Mayor Daryl Bennett, George — King of Downtown, Transit Supervisor Andrew Burdett , DBIA Executive Director Terry Guiel, Kawartha Food Share board chair Dave Ralph

"Thank you to everyone who put money in the parking meters to support Kawartha Food Share during the downtown free parking program over the holiday season," says Mayor Daryl Bennett. "This small program has made a big difference in the lives of so many of our City's residents over the years."

“It has been a successful shopping season for local downtown businesses and it’s wonderful to see our shoppers also supporting the great work of Kawartha Food Share,” adds DBIA Executive Director Terry Guiel. “It’s amazing that people donating their parking meter change adds up to more than $100,000 over the years to support those in need in our community.”
Kawartha Food Share currently assists more than 8,100 men women and children every month through 36 member agencies. Last year, the warehouse distributed over 5 million dollars worth of food and emergency care needs.

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