15 Awesome Things About The LOFT – Downtown Youth Space At PCVS
/Nowadays, everywhere you look kids' faces are buried in their screens. Find us a teenager who doesn’t have a smartphone and we’ll give you a High Five because it’s pretty rare. Getting out and actually having downtime without technology sometimes seems like a lost art for today’s youth.
Know someone between the age of 13 – 18 who just needs to get out there in a creative space full of great conversation? Tell them about The LOFT – Downtown Youth Space. It’s a drop in centre at PCVS offering leisure activities for youth in our community built on the respect of others, yourself and the iconic building where it takes place.
Here are 15 things you should know about it...
1. It's FREE
2. It’s offered by the City of Peterborough Recreation Department
3. You’ll find it in classroom 15 @ PCVS (201 McDonnel Street)
4. They offer cooking workshops and crafts!
5. It’s a safe space
6. They go out on great excursions: Bowling, airplane tour, kick-boxing, rock climbing, archery, a Liftlock cruise, swimming, stand-up paddle boarding, canoeing and more!
7. They play and learn about a lot of sports and leisure activities
8. It’s Supervised by Recreation Division Staff
9. It’s totally fun!
10. It’s a great place to meet new friends
Halloween fun