15 Percent Of Peterborough's Recyclers Get Perfect Marks

The City’s Thumbs Up ambassador has been busy again this summer, travelling the streets of Peterborough and examining the full blue boxes she finds waiting for collection.

Katie, The Thumbs Up Ambassador

To date, 898 households have been surveyed, and close to 15 percent of those were found to be doing absolutely everything correctly.

The most common mistakes seen this summer are coffee cup lids going in the recycling (they should be removed from the cup, and placed in the garbage, along with stir sticks and cardboard sleeves), and plastic bags being loose and/or placed in the “Container” blue box. These need to be stuffed into one plastic bag, the top tightened shut, and placed in the “Paper” blue box.

Simple adjustments like these help to make sorting and processing much more efficient at the plant, saving time and money.

If you haven’t been visited yet, plan to get yourself a Thumbs Up sticker by following all of the City’s requirements for recycling. These can be found here under Recycling Materials.

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