Peterborough Principal Live Tweets His Day In The Life At A School

St. John Catholic Elementary School Principal Andy Sawada is doing a really neat experiment on Wednesday (May 4th), taking us inside the life of a principal—and school—by live tweeting his day.

Using the hashtag #dayinthelifeoftheprincipal, Sawada is giving his followers a fascinating window into his day.

Principal Sawada with a student

Principal Sawada with a student

"This idea came up last week when one of my friends asked me what I do during the day," Sawada tells PTBOCanada. "Many people have an idea of what the principal role is, but the principal role has changed immensely since you and I went to school. So, I thought of live tweeting my day, which can be a challenge, but I usually tweet out school happenings at the @StJohnPVNC handle. Additionally, I thought that this could be a transparent way of showing and sharing what my job entails."

Here are some of his tweets so far...

Follow him here for more tweets.

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