A Peterborough Girl Found An Amazing Note Behind A Book At Chapters
/[UPDATE: The Chive, Cosmo & Buzzfeed Canada pick up our post.]
A 10-year-old Peterborough girl named Kiana was at Chapters on Lansdowne Street on Sunday (May 22nd) in Peterborough when she made an amazing, inspiring discovery behind a book.
Her father Winston Bromley tells PTBOCanada Kiana was looking for a book to read for school: "While in the teen section, we looked over and saw the book Year of Yes by Shonda Rhimes. When moving the book to see what it was about, we noticed a white envelope behind the book, saying 'For You' and a smiley face. My daughter opened it up and read it."
Here is what it said...
"After Kiana read the note, it made her feel really good inside that some girl out there wanted to inspire girls to read and to believe in themselves," Winston tells PTBOCanada.
"My daughter took the note home because she liked it so much. Now she is going to write a note, and hide it on her next trip to Chapters—where someone else can feel special."
Winston's kids after finding the note