Help 3-Year-Old Kaleb Get His Beloved Car Back That He Just Received On His Birthday

A 3-year-old Lakefield boy named Kaleb just received an electric car for his birthday three weeks ago. Unfortunately, his beloved white and blue BMW i8 Spyder was stolen last weekend and his mother, Amanda Townsend, is trying to get the word out as best she can to get it back.

Kaleb In His Car

"It's his favourite thing in the world and he will be devastated when he finds out it's stolen," Amanda tells PTBOCanada.

She adds to PTBOCanada: "This car meant the world to my son. He always said he was 'just like daddy' while he drove it around the block. I'm a student, working part-time, and cannot afford to replace the car [it cost around $300] before he finds out. Moms are always trying to protect their children from seeing the bad in the world and I don't want him to find out like this. He's just a kid with a kind heart that has never done wrong to anyone."

Please spread the word on your social media channels.

For more information on Kaleb's stolen vehicle and contact info for Amanda, please see the info sheet she is distributing on social media below...

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