A Beautiful #OneForJames Campaign Launched In Memory Of James Bidgood Is Going Viral
/[UPDATE: Huffington Post picks up our story.]
Norwood, Ontario's James Bidgood died in a snowmobile crash in February, leaving behind a wife and three kids...
James was, by all accounts, an amazing father, husband and person—who truly lived life to the fullest. He had an impact on everyone that knew and met him.
To honour James and carry on his legacy for his friends and the family he leaves behind—wife Brooke and children Maggie, Jessie and Griffin—a beautiful #OneForJames campaign has been launched.
It's a Pay It Forward initiative as James used to always buy a coffee for the next person in line...
Here's how the One For James movement works...
A Facebook page "One For James" just launched and already has thousands of fans, and the Twitter hashtag #OneForJames is gaining momentum.
"Thank you everyone for sharing and supporting One for James. It means so much to keep James' spirit alive by making this world a little bit nicer," says Brooke about this beautiful tribute to the love of her life.
So awesome (and tear-jerker): James' daughter Maggie received her #OneForJames cup as well...
photo of Maggie via #OneForJames Facebook page
People are already buying #OneForJames at coffee shops all around Ontario and Canada, as the movement is quickly picking up steam and going viral.
They are sharing pictures on the #OneForJames Facebook page.
photo via #OneForJames Facebook page
photo via #OneforJames Facebook page
And they are tweeting about it...
And someone has even posted a video about it to YouTube...
So yes, one person—James Bidgood—had that kind of impact on the world. This is just beautiful.
Let's keep this going. #OneForJames.
—post by Neil Morton
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