Burrow Will Be Moving To A New Location On Hunter
/Site of new location
Burrow's current location 188 Hunter St. W.
Downtown home furnishing store Burrow will be moving to a new location at 242 Hunter Street once the building has completed construction.
"I am so excited about the new location of the store. The building is currently being built and is moving along nicely, when you're downtown stop by and have a look. It's going to be bright, shiny and new. We're in the midst of designing the space and picking finishes which is ultra fun. Keep you all posted on the progress but the move will happen this summer - most likely July. Thanks to everyone for their support over the last year and a half+ to make this move possible. Lots of exciting things in Burrow's future." —Burrow owner Megan Currie
[Contributed by PtboCanada's Evan Holt]
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