PTBOCanada Pics & Coverage: Peterborough's Repair Cafe At The Silver Bean Cafe

If you had something that needed repair or were in need of a little TLC, the Repair Cafe PTBO was the place to be last evening (July 28th). Held at the Silver Bean Cafe, the place was abuzz throughout the evening. Hammering and the hum of sewing machines could be heard throughout as many skilled folks took on the challenge of those that brought something in search of a little mending or advice on how to tackle the challenge.

The Repair Cafe was started here in Peterborough after word had travelled from friends about similar cafes that had taken place in Toronto. From there, a small committee was formed and as word got out they were able to create a volunteer team of organizers and "fixers". The event last night was the fourth Repair Cafe PTBO, and with each event more and more people are hearing about them. Organizers hope to continue to host them at various locations throughout the city—they've been held at The Spill and Silver Bean so far—to make it accessible to everyone in the community. They are currently seeking out locations for the Fall.

A lengthy list as people check in their item along with the "fixer" for the job!

A lengthy list as people check in their item along with the "fixer" for the job!

If you would like to become involved with the Repair Cafe PTBO, you can contact them through Facebook or by following them on Twitter.

[Photos and story by PtboCanada's Julie Morris]

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