Dude, Where's My Car? 7 Things You Need To Know About Winter Parking Restrictions
Winter parking restrictions are now in effect in Peterborough. Here is what you need to know:
1. These restrictions are in place to assist snow-clearing operations.
2. From December 1st to April 1st each year, parking is prohibited on all City streets from 2:00 a.m. to 6:00 a.m. This allows better snow clearing of City streets at a lower cost because equipment will not have to return to clear areas where vehicles were parked. The fine for a violation is $15.
3. During a snowstorm, when snow-clearing is underway, no stopping is permitted on any city street. Snow-clearing operations typically take place between midnight and 8:00 a.m. The fine is $80 for this violation and the vehicle will be towed.
4. If your car is towed, all vehicles north of Parkhill Road will be towed to Milroy Park located at 242 Milroy Drive, with all other vehicles being towed to Morrow Park located at 171 Lansdowne St. W. After 24 hours, all unclaimed vehicles will be towed to an impound yard at the owners expense.
5. Free overnight parking is permitted at all municipal parking lots, King Street Parkade and Simcoe Parking Garage. Vehicles parked overnight at either parking garage can obtain a gate-arm ticket upon entry to the garage to be used for a free transit trip home.
6. Parking is normally permitted throughout the day and evening during snowy weather. Only in an extreme weather event would a public service announcement be initiated to remove vehicles from city streets during the day or evening.
7. Residents are reminded that there is no parking any time of the year on city streets for longer than 3 hours, except where a sign indicates otherwise.
For more information, call the Parking Division at 705-742-7777 ext. 2802.
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