24 Things People Visiting Or Moving Here Should Know

1. We have two farmers markets Saturday (year round) and Wednesday (downtown during the summer) and both are terrific!

2. In the summer, there is a twice weekly Peterborough Musicfest at Del Crary Park which draws in many incredible acts.

Tegan and Sara, Summer of '14

Tegan and Sara, Summer of '14

3. Peterborough has both a university—Trent—and college—Fleming—on either end of town. Both are industry leaders.

4. We have a lot of awesome parks, trails and nature areas in town. Jackson's park is our biggest and best, and is beautiful in every season.

5. Traffic lights are hit and miss. If you can time them right, they're awesome. If no, its #RedLightCity.

6. This is a major sports town. Go Petes! Go Lakers! Rock the Peterborough Memorial Centre (aka PMC).

7. This is also a major cultural centre, with tons of local theatre and entertainment options.

8. We have the highest Lift Lock in the world and you can go for a ride over it—and there are even marriage proposals there!

9. The canal turns into an awesome ginormous skating rink in the winter.

photo Devon Ulrich

photo Devon Ulrich

10. There is a vibrant music scene in town that is always featured somewhere downtown almost every night of the week.

photo courtesy Michael Hurcomb

photo courtesy Michael Hurcomb

11. The restaurant/pub selection is second to none here. You'll find a little bit of everything no matter what your taste is.

12. Like beer? We have some microbreweries here that can compete with anybody!

13. We get a lot of snow in the winter. Great for cross-country and downhill skiing. But we hope you've bought some appropriate tires!

14. Peterborough is the gateway to the Kawarthas and incredible cottage country. We are surrounded by a ton of lakes.

15. This city loves parades. We hold a lot of them!

16. The Twitter community in town is very active. Need to get in touch with someone or a business? They’re probably an avid tweeter.

17. Our zoo is really fun, and it’s FREE!

18. We have a great path system for engine free transport. Bring your bikes and blades!

19. We are home to the Canadian Canoe Museum, and it's super cool.

20. Caffeine addicts can breathe a sigh of relief because you’ll never run out of local café options. To name a few:

• Silver Bean Café on the Otonabee
• Dreams of Beans downtown
• Natas downtown



21. The incredible smells you’re experiencing downtown and in East City part of town are from Quaker Oats.

We can smell the oatmeal in this photo

We can smell the oatmeal in this photo

22. Up until recently, there was a giant grandstand blocking your view from Lansdowne St into the Morrow Park baseball diamonds. Hard to believe, we know.

23. We love having new visitors to town. And if you fall in love and want to move here like so many do, added bonus!

24. There are 2015 other reasons to visit here as well but we couldn't get to them all in this list.

Photo Maryam Monsef

Photo Maryam Monsef

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Sponsored post by Nexicom

post by Aaron Elliott

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