Renowned Adolescent Psychiatrist Dr. Stanley Kutcher Speaking At Ontario Shores
/Ontario Shores Centre for Mental Health Sciences (Ontario Shores) is inviting parents to an evening symposium on Adolescent Mental Health next Wednesday, September 18th. Dr. Stanley Kutcher, leading adolescent psychiatrist, will provide an interactive presentation giving parents important adolescent mental health tools and information. Ontario Shores will also present its amazing adolescent mental health documentary short, Talk to Someone: You’re Not Alone.
Dr. Stanley Kutcher
Both local school boards in Peterborough—PVNCCDSB and KPR—are participating in mental health literacy training with Ontario Shores next week. Dr. Kutcher along with CMHA National Office created the curriculum that the teachers and allied support staff will be trained on in area schools. As part of this, Ontario Shores is offering this free interactive parent night with Dr. Kutcher at Ontario Shores.
The symposium takes place September 18th from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. at the Lecture Theatre, Building 5, Level 2 Ontario Shores Centre for Mental Health Sciences, 700 Gordon St., in Whitby, Ontario.
For more information or to RSVP, contact Debbie Lenehan at 905.430.4055 ext. 6135.
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