Exclusive: Is The Water Tower On High Street Actually A UFO?

[UPDATE: Happy April Fools Day! The Peterborough Water Tower is not a UFO.]

Locals tell us the water tower on High Street is actually a UFO that takes off in the wee hours of the morning, heading off all over the world on covert missions and then returning before people around town wake up.

We are working on confirming this with UFO experts and researchers, but several locals who live on and near High Street and stay up really late watching Late Night with Jimmy Fallon confirm they've seen it take off on weekly missions but then it's there again in the morning—resuming its place as the water tower.

The tower's dual purpose is becoming the talk of the street, with some claiming they've seen aliens disguised as city workers walking alongside the water tower railing.

A Facebook group "UFO High Street" has started and members will be appearing in front of City Council at an upcoming meeting to voice their concerns that the Water Tower is a UFO, and for the city to get rid of that water tower now rather than wait years, which the Examiner wrote about it in 2008. One person tells us, "I've got some grainy footage of the water tower taking off that I may be selling to PMZ after I show it to city council."

Others suggest if it is in fact a UFO, just leave it be. That no harm is being done, and this could become a great tourist attraction in the city and a boom to the local economy. "Leave the UFO and water tower on High Street," one woman told us who lives nearby. "People will come."

But another man added, "I don't want a UFO in my neighbourhood. I don't trust them."

Calls to city council have not been returned.

Our photographer Evan Holt captured the photographs above and says, "It was eerie. That thing looked like it could take off at anytime."


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