61 Awesome Things About Peterborough In 2013
/In no particular order—all are equally awesome—here we go!
1. Marty Silvestri's Hole In One at Liftlock using a golf ball in honour of his late brother. Best story ever.
2. Trent nursing student Emma Rockburn, who helped saved a man's life after a car crash.
3. Sarah Healey getting into car in Peterborough to turn it off after a suspected drunk driver passes out approaching intersection.
4. Hero man pulls woman from burning vehicle in East City.
5. Canadian Astronaut Chris Hadfield tweeting from space his view of Peterborough and the Trent Severn waterway.
6. The amazing story of how Twitter brought a teddy bear back to a Peterborough girl.
7. Hootenanny 2013 Was One Of The Best Damn Things To Ever Happen In Peterborough. One of those special "Were you there?" moments.
Michael Hurcomb
8. Boy ask girl to prom with this sweet message at Trent pool.
9. Hot tub on King Street. Best mystery ever. "Dude, where's my hot tub?"
10. Young Kaia Douglas standing up at public council meeting on Peterborough Parkway to help save Jackson Park.
11. Express and Company, one of the best damn bands anywhere.
12. Party King The Cat. The name, her story.
13. The Sloths, Porsche and Ferrari, that came to the Riverview Zoo from the flood-damaged Calgary Zoo earlier this summer.
14. Hockey Day in Canada came to Peterborough! Huge for this city.
15. Greatest Hairstyles in Peterborough. Peterborough rocks the hair.
17. The Community Foundation of Peterborough's Vital Signs report, which showed our sense of community belonging is much higher than the rest of Ontario.
18. Lisa Dixon's awesome attitude in the face of adversity.
19. Tim Hortons employees on Hunter Street in East City lending a helping hand to an ambulance that stalled in the drive-through.
20. The #Petertweeter awards. Peterborough + Twitter = best social media city ever!
21. Kim O'Brien's reaction when she won a car from Kruz at their greatest office party.
22. Our April Fool's Hoax about the water tower on High Street being a UFO.
23. Anything Bandwagon! But especially this. Fantastic web-based music series by Dani Stover, Michael Hurcomb and Ryan Lalonde.
24. The announcement Jerry Seinfeld is coming to Peterborough!
26. Groovy new train portals at the zoo.
27. This wedding filmed on Little Lake.
28. Spanky's Movember ping pong tourney. Epic.
29. Doug and Jill Tilley, who are the funniest couple around. Go on tour! The Silly Tilley Tour.
30. A turtle joins the Peterborough Chamber of Commerce.
31. Maryam Monsef & Jess Melnik winning 2013 YMCA Peace Medallion. Changing the world locally and globally.
32. PMZ. Celebrating noteworthy people from Peterborough.
33. This wedding party waiting for train ride at Riverview Zoo.
34. Koski !
35. Those who become blood donors. Read about Sarah Edge.
36. Mike Judson covering Avril Lavigne.
37. Peterborough Kids Using Social Media To Effect Change.
38. Batman at kids triathalon at Beavermead.
39. Evan Holt's pictures of Peterborough from the sky.
40. Blind Kellar, the Peterborough dog.
41. Pete Dalliday and Catherine Hanrahan from Kruz FM. Magical powers! The force is with them.
42. Kate LeDeuce from Robot Eyes covering Freddy Mercury. Just wow.
43. ARIA, for hosting our PTBOCanada.com Christmas party. And these great photo booth pics Michael Hurcomb took there.
44. This marriage proposal at the Lift Lock.
45. Jeff Macklin's anthology "Neighbourhoods", about and for the people who live in the neighbourhoods of Peterborough.
46. This stunning image of Little Lake captured by Linda McIlwain.
47. #PTBOPets. So cute.
48. Gabe Pollock's (from Electric City Live) Halloween costume of the Peterborough Lift Locks.
49. Peterborough's tiny library with a big heart.
50. Taste of Russia perogies at the market.
51. How a delicious butter tart is made, thanks to Lisa Dixon from Black Honey Desserts
52. Firehouse Gourmet celebrates 7 years in Peterborough.
53. Peggy and Liz Shaughnessy, the mother-daughter team behind Redpath. Helping people in need locally and globally.
54. Kawartha Food Share, and all the good they do for people in need in the community.
55. Walk Off The Earth performing at Peterborough Musicfest.
56. Super Quest’s video getting a million hits in less than two weeks.
Members of Super Quest with Santa at our Christmas party at ARIA
57. The Grandstands finally coming down. Eyesore gone! Let the sun shine in. But apply sunscreen.
58. Friday Night Lights (football) in the new turf at TASS, including the Tackle 55 fundraiser.
59. Downtown Peterborough. Best downtown anywhere! It's the core, epicentre of the city.
60. Shelley Hermer. Family is many people to her. She helps so many.
61. Our readers and advertisers. Without you, we're nothing. Keep spreading the word about PTBOCanada.com! Record traffic year for us.
—By PTBOCanada.com team
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