Mike Melnik Is Leaving KRUZ-FM To Focus On His Growing Business Impact Communications
/Mike Melnik pictured reading Maclean's to his beloved RosieMike Melnik is stepping down as morning show co-host of Mike and Catherine in the Morning on KRUZ-FM to focus full-time on his growing media production business Impact Communications.
The radio veteran—known fondly to his devoted listeners as "The Morning Mayor"—will be finishing up with KRUZ-FM in November, the station announced this morning.
"While I am sad to leave my KRUZ-FM family, I am excited that my personal business, Impact Communications, continues to grow—so much so that it is becoming increasingly challenging to split my time between working at KRUZ-FM and my company," says Melnik in a release.
"Peterborough will be losing someone special on local radio but we are thrilled for Mike and the opportunity for him to focus on his media production business," adds JJ Johnston, General Manager, Corus Radio Peterborough in the release.
Melnik is proud of the fundraising KRUZ-FM has generated over the years—particularly to have been part of the annual Three Loonies Broadcast which started as a "lark" on the morning show and has raised hundreds of thousands of dollars for Kawartha Food Share.
No replacement has been named yet for Melnik to work alongside his co-host Catherine Hanrahan. Let the speculation begin.
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