Roller Derby Makes Their Pitch To City Of Peterborough
/Cindy Moffitt discusses Roller Derby with the committee, with team members there for support.
Last night, the new Peterborough Roller Derby league sat down with the Peterborough City Arenas, Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee in a meeting to give them a sense of what their sport brings to the community, and to try and secure a local venue to play at. Roller Derby founder Cindy Moffitt (aka "Lucid Lou") says the games would bring revenue to the city not only in ticket sales, but from opposing teams who would need lodging and food. Plus, "girls like to shop!", adds Moffitt. Even though it is considered an "extreme sport", the current style of Flat Track Roller Derby isn't as aggressive or related to the poor image of Roller Derby of old, Moffitt conveys.
Ken Doherty, Director of Community Services, was very interested in the dimensions of the playing field as he had a few potential places in mind in the city. The main issue, however, is that Peterborough's arenas are 97 percent booked during peak hours (3 p.m. to 11 p.m.). There is potential to secure a venue down the road as the City assesses whether to add a second pad at the Memorial Centre or when future arenas are built. But that might not happen for a long time.
The committee will now convene and review the findings from the meeting and see what they can do.
[Contributed by PtboCanada's Evan Holt]
[Related: Peterborough Roller Derby Fundraiser May 7 At The Red Dog; Why Peterborough Roller Derby Can't Find A Venue To Play In City (And More News On This Growing Sport); PtboPics: Peterborough Roller Derby League Roll Into Second Practice; EXCLUSIVE: PtboCanada Reveals The Logo For The Peterborough Roller Derby League; Awesome Trailer Promoting Peterborough Roller Derby League]
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