Here's A Picture & Info On A Missing Woman Peterborough County OPP Are Trying To Locate

* UPDATE: 1:05 p.m.* -- OPP report the missing woman has been located by police in good condition in Peterborough.


*UPDATE: 12:25 p.m.* --- CHEX Newswatch is reporting she has been located. More info to come...


From a Peterborough County OPP release this morning....

(Cavan Monaghan Twp., ON) – Peterborough County OPP is requesting the public’s assistance in locating Gwendolen Josephine SHEWARD age 40 years of Longview Drive.
She was last seen at her home on Wednesday November 2, 2011 at approximately 5:30 P.M.
She is white 5’ 8” in height with a slim build, with blonde almost shoulder-length hair and wearing a black coat, grey boots and jeans.
Officers from Peterborough County OPP, the Central Region Emergency Response Unit, the Central Region Canine Unit and the Ontario Provincial Police Aviation Unit (helicopter) are conducting a search in the area around the missing woman’s home.
Anyone having seen the missing woman or having any information regarding her whereabouts is requested to contact Peterborough County OPP at 705-742-0401 or    1-888-310-1122.


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