Peterborough Public Health Issue Drug Poisoning Alert High Number Recorded Wednesday
/Peterborough Public Health (PPH) is issuing an alert of high drug poisonings that were observed on Wednesday.
Photo by dAVID tUAN bUI.
There were five drug poisonings resulting in EMS calls or ED visits which are considered higher than the normal rates over the last five days according to PPH.
While Naloxone cannot reverse the effects of sedatives, PPH says there is no harm in administering it if you suspect a drug poisoning.
Drug poisoning can look different for every person, depending on the drugs involved. PPH urges everyone that drug poisoning is a medical emergency and always to call 9-1-1.
This is a list of actions you can take if you suspect the following:
Drug Checking:
Available at Consumption & Treatment Site (CTS) – 220 Simcoe St.
Test strips for fentanyl, benzos, and xylazine are available at the CTS during hours of operation (9:30 a.m. – 9 p.m.; daily)
Harm Reduction Support:
Consumption & Treatment Site (CTS) – 220 Simcoe St. Open 9:30 a.m. – 9 p.m.; daily
National Overdose Response Service – 1-888-688-6677 (NORS)
Krasman Centre - Warm Line & Peer Crisis Support Services – 1-888-777-0979; Available 10 a.m.-midnight
Crisis Support:
9-8-8 Suicide Crisis Helpline - Call or text 9-8-8; National 24/7 suicide or emotional distress hotline. Telecare Distress Centre of Peterborough – call 705-745-2273; Open 24/7