A Day In The Life of Mayor Bennett In Pictures

PTBOCanada got to spend a day with our Mayor last Friday to see what goes on behind the scenes...

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Teleperformance In Downtown Peterborough Is Shutting Down


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Water Is Peterborough's Greatest Economic Opportunity In Decades

In times of economic turmoil, the tendency is often to look for ways to entrench and wait out the storm. However, this belies the fact that in tumultuous times great opportunities often emerge. Joseph Schumpeter, the late Harvard economist, claimed that times like these possess forces for "creative destruction." It is from the "creative" nature of economic change that opportunities arise. One such opportunity for the future of the Peterborough-area economy is emerging.

There is no doubt that the public sector has targeted water as a primary infrastructure and public health challenge. Over the past decade, the emphasis has changed from supplying water (e.g., transmitting large quantities of water) to one of water quality. Water quality is emerging as the fastest growing global issue of our time. 

Fortunately, it is in the area of water quality that the region has existing expertise. The recent Ontario Speech from the Throne (March 8, 2010) spoke directly to developing "clean-water" organizations in the private and public sectors. This is clear recognition of water as a public policy challenge and the growth that will be supported through public funding.

In 2010, the GPAEDC and Greater Peterborough Innovation Cluster released a major study that mapped and analyzed the energy and water sectors in the area. In the water field, there are fourteen active and five interested Peterborough-area firms in the water supply chain. It is a good sign that all segments of the supply chain are currently populated by Peterborough-area firms. 

Photo: Evan HoltIn addition to private sector firms, the water related research Fleming College (the Centre for Alternative Wastewater Treatment) and Trent University (the Trent Water Quality Centre) make the sector in our region that much stronger. 

All indications are that Peterborough could—should it act quickly and in a concerted way—become a global centre in the field. The challenge comes not from just growing locally, or attracting those from outside, but from combining existing technologies and expertise to better position it for future growth.

Thankfully we are not beginning from scratch. Along with existing businesses in the field, there is a high level of academic involvement in research centres and programs being offered at Trent University (10 centres/programs) and Fleming College (10 centres/programs) that are related to water. 

In each centre and program has faculty, research and students attached to them.  They represent a very significant resource—particularly human—in the field.  Combining these centres and programs with the private-sector activity that has been identified reveals a strong foundation upon which to build a comprehensive water cluster in the region.

As much as the analysis of the private- and public-sector strengths that exist in the area's water sector, it is clear that it is made up of several successful, but rather isolated elements—there are few interconnections across the sector. With the considerable technological capacities, and high-level expertise, and a growing market, it is apparent that the region's water sector is less than the sum of its parts. That is, it is possible for the region to take a stronger position in the water sector if it were able to better utilize its existing technologies and expertise. 

To shift the situation to one where the whole is greater than the sum of its parts, the water sector resources available in the region must be combined in such a way to improve its overall productivity and innovativeness to better position it to grow in this burgeoning, national and international market.

The greatest challenge is not in getting skilled people or technologies in place. The challenge is to create an organizational structure that can help the relatively isolated organizations identify and create new collaborations that can strength the region’s place in the national and global water market. In effect, we need to create an organization that can provide the overarching, coordinating services that were once provided by the "umbrella" organization of a multi-divisional corporation. 

When new market opportunities arise, there needs to be an organizational mechanism by which the existing technologies and expertise can be assessed relative to the opportunity. Should the technologies and expertise exist, a new business entity must be created to exploit it. 

In the past, when a large corporation was faced with a new market opportunity, it would pursue it by re-combining its existing expertise and technologies by simply creating a new division. Our current circumstances call for the creation of innovative business partnerships across—not within—organizations (e.g., joint ventures, strategic alliances) that promote growth, jobs, and the creation of wealth in the region.

There is absolutely no doubt that water will be a global issue in the twenty-first century. It will be a thriving international business sector. For Peterborough, taking a key role in that growing sector is an opportunity that we either proactively move on soon or lose to a less well equipped, but more organized community.

Opportunities like this do not present themselves often. We must seize the day.

[Contributed by PtboCanada's Tom Phillips Ph. D. Phillips is Economist & Sustainability Director - Greater Ptbo Innovation Cluster.]

****[UPDATE BY TOM PHILLIPS: Here's Dan Taylor, President & CEO of the Greater Peterborough Innovation Cluster, speaking about the potential for a Water Cluster in the Peterborough Region]

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Take A Look At The Design For A Proposed Commercial Development Going In On Lansdowne Street

The Peterborough Co-Op has returned to its roots and moved out to Highway 7 West to supply farmers. The original Rural Roots building, however, is being demolished to make room for a new plaza. It looks like a national bank is moving into the first building, but the second building is still available for lease to be ready for approximately Spring 2012. Take a look at the design of the proposed development:

[Contributed by PtboCanada's Evan Holt]

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Peterborough Partnership On Immigrant Integration Hosting Conference November 17th At Holiday Inn

Noticing that the face of Peterborough is changing? Want to know more about harnessing the true potential of diversity? The Peterborough Partnership on Immigrant Integration (PPCII) is hosting its second 'Together we Prosper' Conference on November 17th from 1 p.m. to 8 p.m. at the Holiday Inn. This conference has something to offer everyone: Business folks, decision makers, educators, social and health service providers, international and domestic students, parents, New Canadians or naturalized Canadians.

Topics to be covered include:
• Diversity, Creativity and the Economy
• Newcomer Mental Health
• Immigrant Integration Best Practices
• Engaging Newcomer Youth in Peterborough

The likes of Mayor Daryl Bennett; Dan Taylor, CEO of the Greater Peterborough Area Economic Development Corporation; Dr. Rosana Pellizzari of the Peterborough County City Health Unit; and members of the New Canadians Centre Speakers Bureau will all be speaking. The keynote address will be delivered by a newcomer to Peterborough.

Registration is $20, which includes access to the keynote address and local research findings, all workshops and panel discussions, dinner, childcare (by a registered Early Childhood Educator) and the evening social event. The registration deadline is Thursday, November 10, 2011. For more info, go to ppcii.ca.


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Peterborough's Creative, Arts & Technological Sector Is Booming

Read the Martin Prosperity Institute report on Peterborough here, which says our "distinct, almost bohemian, culture is of special interest contrasted against Peterborough's surrounding, more conservative counties."

[chextvDOTcom; The Impact Of Peterborough's "Creative Class" On Local Economic Innovation & Growth; Martin Prosperity Report On Peterborough]

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Here Are Some Photos & Video From The PCVS Ghost Walk Today

It would appear that the kids are not over it. Students from PCVS took to the streets over the noon hour today to show their displeasure in the announced closing of their high school. The event was mounted as a "ghost walk" and was meant to point out to everyone that if you take more than 900 kids and teachers out of the downtown, it does have an effect. While the decision to close PCVS is in the Ministry of Education's hands (pending an Administrative Review), that didn't stop the hundreds of kids who have taken it upon themselves again to show the community that the decision of the School Board trustees is still on their minds.


[video via Desiree Fawn on Vimeo]

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Here's The Shiny Findings From A New Report On The Economic Impact Of The Shining Waters Railway

This morning in Peterborough, the Shining Waters Railway group revealed the results of an economic impact study commissioned to explore the local economic feasibility of restoring Peterborough-Toronto commuter rail service and upgrading the existing track. The line would run 120 kilometres with a total of eight stations between the Peterpatch and Toronto's Union Station.

Among the projected conservative estimates, according to the report:

Nearly 2000 jobs to be created and $531 million in economic output ($433 million in Ontario) due to capital investment in upgrading track, constructing bridges, and refurbishing rolling stock. Most of the difference would occur in New Brunswick where rail cars will be refurbished.

An additional 110 jobs and $13 million per year in economic output due to operation of the commuter rail line.

• More than $12 million in tax collections for the province and $4 million for the federal government.

Nearly $13 million a year in travel time savings and travel cost savings, $0.6 million a year in environmental savings from new and diverted riders of the service and $11 million in 2031 in accident related costs.

If full Phase 1 & 2 operation begins by mid 2015, the economic impact between now and 2020 is approximately $700 million – combination of construction and operation related impacts and ongoing travel savings.

According to the report, these estimates "do not consider the likely impact of increased rail freight service, non-commuter related travel (tourism, for example), development around the stations, and possible attraction of new business to the region. These estimates do not consider economic activity from alternative ways in which public funds might have been used."

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Here Are Some Goodbye Letters Posted At Have You Seen Movie Rental Store

When you wander through Have You Seen..., you can see the sparse shelves and other signs that the doors to Have You Seen will sadly be closing soon. Like these letters:



[Contributed by PtboCanada's Julie Morris]

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The DBIA Spliced Things Up Last Night At Their Annual General Meeting


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