Here Are Peterborough Hipster Dogs In Cute Outfits



We asked for your pet "selfie" photos on our Twitter handle @Ptbo_Canada and we got dozens and dozens of photos tweeted at us. They were all awesome. A few had their animals in adorable outfits, in bandanas, or wearing shades. Cuz they're too cool for school. Like these tweets below...

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Meet An Adorable East City Pet Chicken Named Henny Penny

Henny Penny is a four-month-old chicken who lives on Burnham Street. Her name is inspired by the works of Beatrix Potter. She is a hit with the neighbours. See the tweet and photos below courtesy of Mitch Champagne....

Got an irregular animal for a pet? Email us pics and story to

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We Built A Zoo: 23 Historical Photos Of The Riverview Park & Zoo Exhibits

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Charlie The Cougar To Be Moved From Peterborough To Quebec Zoo

Photos of Charlie via Riverview Park & Zoo Facebook page

Photos of Charlie via Riverview Park & Zoo Facebook page

Riverview Park and Zoo has announced they've made arrangements for a permanent home for 'Charlie' the cougar. Charlie was captured near Grafton, Ont., earlier this summer by MNR staff after he was found loitering close to a residence. It was subsequently determined that he had been a captive animal and as such, he could not be returned to the wild. 

The zoo's animal care team worked closely with their CAZA/AZAC partners and in consultation with MNR staff to find a suitable home for him. As such, Charlie will be joining three other cougars at Zoo Sauvage de St-Félicien on Tuesday, September 2nd.

Zoo sauvage is an award-winning and CAZA/AZAC accredited zoo, located in St- Félicien, Quebec, which features 75 species in large, natural exhibits. This placement was selected as it will provide Charlie with an excellent quality of life and also because he will have an opportunity to participate in their breeding program.

While the Zoo has become fond of Charlie and would like to keep him at the Riverview Park and Zoo, their primary concern was to ensure that he be placed in a facility that will offer the best environment possible.

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Here's A Meerkat Totally Chilling Out On Beauty Day At Riverview Park & Zoo

Beauty day so this kat is catching some rays...

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The Sulawesi Forest Turtles At Riverview Park & Zoo Are Adorable

The Sulawesi Forest Turtles at the Riverview Park & Zoo are so cute. You can get a look at this critically-endangered species in their exhibit at the barn.

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Joey Is The Cutest Thing Ever

Thanks to Jim Moloney, Manager and Curator at Riverview Park and Zoo, for sending us this awesome picture of the Joey...

Here's the Joey back in May...

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The Grafton Cougar Is Now In Quarantine At Riverview Park & Zoo

Grafton cougar (photo: John Johnston)

Grafton cougar (photo: John Johnston)

The "Grafton cougar" that made national attention after it was spotted frequently roaming a rural neighbourhood in Grafton last week has found a new home for now—right here in Peterborough at the Riverview Park & Zoo.

The cougar was captured by MNR officials in a live trap, unharmed, Friday night and is now in quarantine at the zoo.

photo at Riverview Zoo via @reneeptbo on Twitter

photo at Riverview Zoo via @reneeptbo on Twitter

No word yet on how long it will reside there, and what the plan is.

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Peterborough's Star Wars Kittens Are Growing Up And They're The Cutest Thing Ever

Remember that story we told you in June about Ray and Jennifer Henderson saving a female cat—Leia, they called it—that subsequently gave birth to a bunch of kittens that the couple named after Star Wars characters (Ray and Jen are HUGE Star Wars fans)? (If you don't, here it is.) Well Chewie, Lando, Jango, Padme and Wicket (Ooia, unfortunately, passed away) are absolutely adorable. Check out these stunning photos from a J.Lee Photography photoshoot of the "Star Wars Kittens"...

With mom Leia

With mom Leia

[photos via J. Lee Photography]

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Look: Here Are Baby Meerkats At Riverview Park & Zoo

The babies are testing out their home at the Riverview Park & Zoo. And Mom is looking after them. Too cute!

[via Riverview Park & Zoo Facebook page]

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