Submissions Wanted: Let Us Know Who Rocks In Peterborough

Looking to do your very own random act of kindness and share it with someone special? Nominate them for a PTBOCanada “You Rock” award.

Tell us why you’re nominating someone in 100 words or less. Each month, we will randomly select a recipient to receive our handmade award and feature them here on PTBOCanada.

Know of someone that “rocks” for making a difference in Peterborough & the Kawarthas? Let us know. Fill out the form below….

Any questions about “PTBOCanada’s You Rock”. Click here.

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Electric (Green) City: Peterborough's 7,205 Streetlights Are Going LED

Most of the lights on Brealey have already been converted. Photo: Evan Holt

Work has begun to convert the city’s 7,205 streetlights to Smart technology Light Emitting Diode (LED) streetlight fixtures, which will reduce energy use, electricity costs and maintenance costs.

The impact will be as follows…

  • Energy costs reduced by 54%

  • Maintenance costs reduced by 80%

  • Reduced light pollution (the LED fixtures are “Dark Sky Compliant” as all light is directed downward)

  • Better light quality for pedestrians and vehicle traffic

Each light is made up from numerous Light Emitting Diodes. Photo: Evan Holt

It’s estimated that the conversion to Smart technology LED fixtures will reduce annual electricity costs by 54 percent or by $650,000, and reduce maintenance costs by 80 percent or by $187,000.

The City expects to save an estimated 3,618,570 kilowatt-hours of energy per year, a 70 percent reduction compared to the current energy consumption for City streetlights. The reduction is the equivalent of the typical energy use by 375 homes for an entire year. The annual electricity cost is expected to be reduced to $552,800 from the $1.2 million for the existing streetlights, a savings of $650,000.

The new LED lights will last up to four times longer than the previous High Pressure Sodium (HPS) streetlights which will be removed and recycled at qualified environmental disposal centers. Photo: Evan Holt

LEDs will also help the City reduce maintenance costs by a projected 80 percent because LEDs are a solid-state technology (no moving parts) and last up to four times longer than the City’s existing streetlights.

Maintenance costs will be reduced to an estimated $46,700 a year from the current annual cost of approximately $233,700 for the traditional streetlights, a savings of $187,000.

Photo by Evan Holt

The level of lighting provided by the LED lights remains the same as previous lights. The difference is LED streetlights provide a safer light source with better visibility to both pedestrians and motorists. They offer better clarity and improve the ability to identify colours at night.

The LED Streetlight Conversion Project includes a change from a drop glass fixture to a flat glass fixture, which changes how light is distributed on the roadway and associated area. This change helps prevent light from spilling or dispersing onto adjacent spaces where it is not intended to be.

The new LED streetlights will be networked to automatically notify the City when there’s a light that’s out or malfunctioning, allowing the City to immediately schedule the work to fix the streetlight.

Work to convert all the lights is scheduled to be completed by December 31st.

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Cottage Country Farmers Market At The Barn Launches

The Cottage Country Farmers Market At The Barn will kick off on Saturday, June 16th at 8 a.m.

Located at 124 Lindsay Road, this market will entice local residents out to see local vendors that provide produce, artisan crafts and baked goods.

The market will operate rain or shine from 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. until Thanksgiving weekend in October. New vendors can apply online.

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Peterborough Releases Interactive Road Construction Map

The City's Infrastructure and Planning Services Department Engineering Division has launched an interactive map identifying road construction work.

The interactive map shows the road construction projects throughout the City, listing project contact information, anticipated completion date and details on the type of work being performed. The map also identifies new subdivisions currently under development.


  • Crack Seal

  • Road Reconstruction

  • Sewer Replacement / Spot Repairs

  • Sidewalk (Public Works) - Reconstruction

  • Sidewalk/Trail - New Construction

  • Subdivision

  • Resurfacing

Plus you can also toggle 2018 Special Projects, and even go back and look at 2016 and 2017 completed projects.

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Share Launches New Mini-Documentary Series PTBOCurios

We're taking a look at some of the intriguing aspects of our fine city in a new mini-documentary series by our Creative Director called PTBOCurios.

Have a look at our first episode below to find out what people are reading at the Peterborough Public Library...

Don't miss an Episode of our documentary series: "Like" our page! Email Evan Holt here for ideas for PTBOCurios docs.

Engage with us on social media on TwitterInstagram and Facebook. Write to us at Sign up for PTBOBuzz newsletter here. Watch our PTBOCanada Love video here.


PTBOCanada Autumn Photo Contest

We're hosting a Fall photo contest over on our Facebook page.

Simply post a scenic photo of our beautiful city to be entered for a chance to win a copy of the book Audubon Society Guide to Nature Photography. Have a look below at some of the gorgeous photos that our readers have already submitted on our Facebook page...

Photo by Brenda Mac. This photo was taken while sitting on the upper deck of our houseboat at the Peterborough Marina, and enjoying the beautiful sight of Peterborough's waterfront at night!

Photo by Hilary Quint. Early autumn, late in the day at Jackson Creek.

Photo by Nicole Stricker.

Photo by Shawna Colvin.

Photo by Jessica Hobbins.

Photo by Kayleigh Hindman.

Photo by Rebecca L Carpenter.

Photo by Trace Jay

Photo by Vicki Gray.

Photo by Lauraann Hickey Frost.

Photo by Jen Cowey.

Photo by Sandy Scammell.

Photo by Angela Ferguson.

Photo by Amanda Mertens.

Photo by Brenda Mac.

Photo by Vanessa Maynard.

Photo by Sarah Busby.

Photo by Lori Bridges.

Photo by Danielle Kelly. Beavermead Park at sunset

Photo by Kelly Bruce.

Photo by Alan Cummings.

Photo by Rodica Manea.

Photo by Kelly Pagett Russelle.

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Rocks With A Message Appear At The Trent University Nature Areas

Fun decorative rocks have started appearing along the trails at the Trent University Nature Areas. Have you seen them? Discovered more? Let us know!

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What Peterborough Needs: A Mariposa Type Market?

During our travels, we come across interesting businesses that we think could be a neat fit in our beautiful city.

If you were to stop for a meal at Orillia's own Mariposa Market, we think you would agree. With over 500 reviews averaging 4.5 on Trip Advisor, we're not the only ones who make sure to stop in for a bite when passing through.

Open 7 days a week, this gem is in a turn of the century building that sprawls out in all directions once you enter. With lots of wood accents and nods to its historic roots, they offer baked goods, a café and plenty of places to sit down and socialize with three levels that overlook the store. Each time we have visited, there has been a line-up for their numerous glass cabinets of freshly made meals.

Their extensive menu rotates daily so even upon frequent visits you won't have the same food twice.

Thanks to their success, the Mariposa Market recently renovated to add a quick to-go counter at the back of the building to help alleviate the line-ups for sit-down meals. They also added numerous new bathrooms on the main floor and spacious new seating in their upper floor.

Make sure to feed the parking meter in the lot across the street because you will be sure to spend some time here. The Market also includes two neighbouring stores (The Seasons Shop & The Scent Shop), both located on either side that offer home curiosities, books, kitchen ware, clothing, jewelry and handmade items.

There is also the store Apple Annie's downstairs offering every kitchen gadget you could ever dream up, fresh fudge and sauces, jams and other tasty meal items that you can either make yourself or give as a gift.

Curiously, the Mariposa Market does't offer Wi-Fi, but perhaps if they did it would clog up their already busy locale.

So now that you've had a quick run-down of what the Mariposa Market is, hopefully we've answered "Why would Peterborough need another coffee shop?". The building itself really adds to the experience so we would envision it being in an older building downtown.

Obviously we are just coming up with fun ideas to ponder in our debut "What Peterborough Needs" column, and while we already love our city the way it is, it's always fun to think of what could work or not work.

We would love to hear what you think Peterborough needs. Email us with neat places you've seen on your travels that might translate here.

—by Evan Holt

Engage with us on social media on TwitterInstagramFacebook and Snapchat (ptbo_canada). Write to us at Sign up for PTBOBuzz newsletter here. Watch our PTBOCanada Love video here.


Peterborough's Neat Connections & History With Its Sister City Ann Arbor, Michigan

Our sister city Ann Arbor is about a six hour (575 km) drive from us and is located in Michigan. It has been our sister city since 1983.

“It lets people have an excuse for getting to know each other in ways they never would otherwise,” said former Ann Arbor Mayor Edward Pierce. We found this to be very true when we visited the city recently. When shop owners asked where we were from, we would say “Your sister city, Peterborough” with a slight grin. While most residents didn’t recall the link at first, it was certainly an ice-breaker which lead to further conversation.

Below is more of the backstory and the connections to Ann Arbor...


The Arborough Games—a cute play on words combining Arbor and Peterborough—started in 1982 and was a biennial event that took turns being hosted between Ann Arbor and Peterborough. Sadly, the games ended after the year 2000 due to lack of volunteers and youth participation.


The movie Jumper (starring Canadian actor, Hayden Christensen) was filmed primarily in Ann Arbor. Two back-to-back scenes at around the 3:50 minute mark of the movie were filmed in Peterborough, however.

A scene within the Peterborough Library at 345 Alymer Street North (also shown in the trailer above) shows the main character teleporting into the library, then opening a book to reveil an Ann Arbor Library book stamp (but we know better!).

Ann Arbor doesn’t have a water tower, and Peterborough was used as a stand-in. Our water tower (and view of Kenneth Avenue, filmed from Sherbrooke Street) with the "Ann Arbor" name digitally added to our water tower was briefly shown after the Library scene.

A Fairy Door at TeaHaus located at 204 N 4th Ave, Ann Arbor, MI


Fairy doors have been another connection between Peterborough and Ann Arbor with there being numerous tiny doors appearing in both cities.

Keep your eyes pealed around our city, you never know where you might find one!

-->> Share your connections with our sister city on our Facebook page post.

Written and Photographed by Evan Holt

Engage with us on social media on TwitterInstagramFacebook and Snapchat (ptbo_canada). Write to us at Sign up for PTBOBuzz newsletter here. Watch our PTBOCanada Love video here.


A Couple Of Downtown Cycling Updates Including New Bike Store Opening

As the cycling lane downtown works its way South along George Street, there are a few newsy bits to share. Read about them below...

The Dutch Reach

You may not have heard of "The Dutch Reach", but with downtown parking being on the inside of a bicycle lane, this handy tip could help. Watch this video...

B!KE: The Peterborough Community Cycling Hub

Congratulations to B!ke, which recently celebrated their 10th Anniversary! A traditional 10th anniversary gift is Aluminum, so perhaps someone should gift them an Aluminum bicycle?

Poell's Bike Shop

Poell's Bike Shop opened up a bicycle store in the old Tango location at 366 George Street North. Bike over and check it out..

—post & photos by Evan Holt

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